Monday 30 January 2012

20. there’s a hole in my bcket

t: this week we must 'fill up a bucket of water to reveal your reflection'. I think I punched holes in all tin buckets, in order to plant well-drained tulips in them...!

j: know any Dutch boys?

t: :–)     !!!!!!!

BTW... was that a 'yes' to the challenge? (subject to Dutch boy availability)

j: I'll have you know that MY buckets aren't leaky!  We're posh here!

PS - how closely related to a bucket does this bucket of water need to be?  I'm wondering about the village horse trough (or actually a neighbouring village's; ours is filled with soil and blubs, waiting for spring)..…

PPS - have just sed Google dictionary to look p bcket - lots of scope there for 'interpretation’!

PPPS - (the U key on my compter fell off yesterday; I now have to try and hit a tiny plastic 'knob'; I keep missing of corse.  have to try and by a new one; can only get in America - was wondering about trying to swap it with z or something I don't need to se as much, bt may end up with no keys left.....)


decidedly NOT a good effort this week; not even a tiny glimpse of sun
attempted cleverness in water trough which was dismal failure
ended up going down into a ditch and taking pics of the bubbles in a stream
got a wet foot for my pains
and not much else
how about you?

t: … ah! but at least you have BEAUTY in your shot... I have but a frizz-haired moi, reflected from a bridge over the (very slow!) river teise... no light, no horse-trough... no now't (not really sure where that apostrophe goes...)... so, herewith, pic taken via 'creative' use of mobile phone...


j: BEAUTY????? well, my frizz was newly washed and scraped back, still wet, into an elastic thingy; right now it has escaped and is at least as wild as (if not more so than) yours! I had my feet one on either side of the stream bed, hence the akimbo stance.....(btw, did you notice sp in goat’s eye of last week?)

t: ah... well... the... aherm, 'straddle' of the shot [you athletic woman, you] had eluded me until seen up beautifully large... and interesting, how somehow, the ‘you’ captured in the bubble is not dissimilar to the ‘you’ in the goat's eye.... 

j: next week it's 59; juxtapose something old and something new…..

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