Tuesday 17 January 2012

18. all lined up

on taking notice of people or objects aligned with lines on the ground…..

as I was pondering whether or not footprints count as ‘objects’ (more of which later) in popped this decidedly bouncy email:

“had planning to mail you for an assignment extension - living out in 't sticks, there is little opportunity to find straight-line-ness, and i'm off to a print workshop at the de la warr pavilion [ http://www.dlwp.com/  ] on monday, so was hopeful to conjure up something there... but i've been taking my compact ricoh on every dog walk...and lo! this morning, i found myself ambling by a very shadow-strewn farm gate……

lines (1 of 1)

pic in dropbox now.  i say pic, as camera seemed to die on me mid-multi-attempts... all settings freezing and refusing to write to memory :-(

i loved that camera…..”

in response – one ‘word’ I think says it all: *

meanwhile, back to my tussles with my conscience about being overly ‘creative’ with the brief (or to be more accurate, to my not having read the brief quite carefully enough).  I had originally had high hopes of this…..


where doggy paw prints (perhaps not strictly speaking ‘objects’ but ‘aligned’ they definitely are) trot alongside the lines of the sled they were pulling (with a few herringbone cross-country ski tracks for good measure) and also of this…..


which probably also breaks the ‘aligned’ rule

a day later, in a different snowy location, there was this…..


where the line of the shadow of the barbed wire is echoed by a line of birdie footprints – which I don’t mind admitting I didn’t actually see when I took the photo

so you see, if footprints don’t count as objects, then I am kind of screwed…..

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