Saturday 3 March 2012

23. a moment in an inconsequential sequence

toni: Hope all ok. I have a (kind of) pic. Will upload tomorrow... but might not be super-early, as embarking on a first; going to local art cinema, to watch a movie at 10am. It feels so wrong, yet kind of outré and right too. Insulation from the world. Any joy, pix-wise for you?

jenny: no joy - have not picked up camera since task set - or actually I have - took it on an ever-hopeful walk but did not press shutter once.....have it in classroom with me so maybe something will happen.....

toni: If nothing 'happens' today, would you like to roll on till next weekend...? Hope today not too Don't Like Monday

jenny: I was rather hoping you would suggest that - I have high(er!) hopes for the end of the week as we are off to the UK (oh the excitement!)  We leave right after work Wednesday (am hoping to get away by 13.00 but a meeting at 12.30 may put a spoke in the works) in order to get to le tunnel by around ten pm - and hopefully to arrive chez notre fils sometime not too long after minuit.  Bit of a whistle-stop tour as we leave again at the crack of before dawn on Sunday.....but worth it for my Waitrose order (already placed!) a delivery of books from Amazon, some boots from John Lewis, my painting (!) and - oh yes - a hug from my boy!  PS Today far too Monday-like…..  PPS I rather aspire to a pic like this one (in comments) taken by one of my contacts

toni: was thinking all pics really, meet this brief, non? a moment in an inconsequential sequence...? i hope you have a wonderful trip - and unification with YOUR painting...i like your flickr pic inspiration - mine was taken saturday. my youngest daughter, dog [kertesz] and i met up with my middle daughter; it was a <good> day - we walked two miles around the ashdown forest. on the way home, i bought a bright, golden bunch of narcissi, from 'the florist in the forest'. they also could have been my pic - a bunch of scented-hope and sunshine...

toni: here's my oojamaflip... hope you've had a wonderful [and lucrative [for your soul at least!]] trip... lemme know if you want me to prod my finger iporn choice-wards in an inappropriate way, on account of you being On The Road [and possibly wanting a challenge]... <please> don't stress about any monday upload deadlines... just get back safely [with the whole of waitrose intact...]  ps have used up entire square bracket allowance for one month, in ONE email

toni: well… of course… it would have helped if i'd attached the pic...

meg (1 of 1)

hope you arrive home ok

jenny: arrived home an hour or so ago (after a 4.45am start!) boot - and back seat - laden with Waitrose, paintings, M&S, books (but sadly not my boots which once again refused to allow Cinderella to squeeze her delicate tootsies in). had good - if manic – time; I even got to the charity shop - that of the knitted knativity - where by chance I met the woman whose mother makes them - and I have paid my meagre ten pounds deposit.....I may even get a donkey!!!  photo (not of donkey) coming separately.  LOVE your idea; how many takes was it until perfection?  assume daughter in biddable mood!  it made me SMILE for which I thank you (and her!)  I almost got arrested trying for my pic - was in Reading's Oracle centre wafting my 'gear' about when two very youthful (and exceedingly pimply) security 'guards' asked me if I knew it was forbidden to take photos - well, of course I didn't - I mean, I ask you!  apparently (I asked!) it is even not allowed to take pics of the reflections in the River Kennet (from an Oracle-owned bridge; was, afterwards, sorely tempted to jump and click - or do they lay claim to the very air we breathe?)  anyway had at least 30 snaps under my belt by the time they stopped me (but not, ironically, any that fitted the week's brief).  I eventually snapped mine from car park on the way out (haha - also Oracle property).  Here then is my (quite possibly illegal) offering.....


[Husband off on Tuesday to Spain; maybe I will get to blogging after that?  have not yet even thought about my school blog (and why should I huh?) and now I HAVE to get my fuzzy head around what on earth I will do with my class for all those hours well as how on earth I will squeeze all those Waitrose curries into an already full freezer…..]

toni: Completely, utterly illegally BEAUTIFUL... more to say, but might be Thursday before I say it - new working hours = days and eves tues + weds... AND you have a down-payment on a nativity (+/- donkey)... life's looking illicitly good, non? (after all, tomorrow is not a Monday...)  PS do we have a next [this?] week's challenge? would you like me to choose? hope you are enjoying fruits of waitrose enhanced purdah...

jenny: oh gosh; yes, will you?  and tomoz I will get those pics posted!  hoping for something nice and straightforward for next week's challenge; a not-too-challenging challenge

toni: I am going to hand pick it, in a non-challenging way.  Needs must.  No.5: 'find something blue'.  KERCHING! job done...

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