Tuesday 1 May 2012

27. words that speak volumes

still playing catch-up, we are…..and we have agreed to ‘do’graffiti for this post; trouble (as will become apparent) is that there is more than one challenge with a graffiti connection…..

toni: found 'em -  not as buried as i thought... not sure if graffiti too flat + should convert to black and white...? though, it was a rainy, drizzly brussels morn, so, corrugated iron aside, it was flat...T xxx

jenny: it would be nice to see them.....

toni: ah! yes! i didn't write the word 'attach'... so google mail didn't tell me [as it usually does!] that i'd mentioned the word 'attach' but failed to do just that... x x x

in case of doubt

jenny: fab – I love the inclusion of that rail in the graffiti pic.....I will make sure I send you my (soon-to-be) chosen pics pronto (have to narrow it down a tad; you are so much better at that than I am!)…..

toni: ah! no! not at all better at choosing just v v limited choice! 2 x eiffel towers 4 x grafittis... if i had NINE HUNDRED it might be a slightly different story...! x

toni: other 25% of graffiti choice. was drawn by the minimalist font and philosophical bent... x

based on available facts (1 of 1) 

jenny: the philosophical bent?  that would be the hand rail…

jenny: we have two graffiti-type challenges to choose from, namely 6 = pay attention to words and phrases painted on buildings and 8 = put yourself in an urban setting and follow the flow of graffiti or other forms of public expression - and crop phrases or words that stir you - good grief! - are you ‘stirred’ by these words or just ‘paying attention’ to them? oh god - there's another one; 42 = record words and phrases that speak to you in public places - sigh - and 69 = notice the impact of advertisements in a landscape or cityscape (I could probably nail all of those with my Barcelona haul.....what about you?) will attempt to get head (and typing fingers) round a graffiti post tomorrow - can you let me know which of the 4 (5? 6?) challenges we are going with?  am feeling we are maybe on a roll.....you have perhaps more goodies lurking on your hard drive? you know I have a zillion (though not necessarily all goodies of course!)  May 1st tomorrow - a holiday in France of course but not in Switzerland; according to my mother I should get up at dawn and wash my face in dew.....would probably drown in the attempt if this evening's rain is anything to go by xx

toni: re graffiti, for me i guess was 42 - words that spoke... i loved the slightly anti-graffiti/contemporary-illustrative font used by the... aherm...artiste. and that they chose to let the phrase run and run in a linear - and yet also curvingly philosophical - manner. ifyouknowwhatimean.
sorry for delay in reply. BF here on a week's break; which is lovely, only i'm on 'business as usual duty' so there is a slight inequilibrium to our way of being. and also, he dived into a flooded river yesterday, to truly save a neighbour's child and dog from i dread to think what... so that was a bit of a shake up. [me, once panic over, getting all swoony at heroics, yet parents not able to say thanks, despite us taking both child and dog home safely + BF's clothes, phone, passport, wallet, etc, etc all having dissolved to within an inch of life. so strange].
see you on the lawn in spirit tomorrow, washing my face in dew...[ oh! that's what i did yesterday, pulling dog out of river - does beauty combined with act of grace carry more points, to do you think?].
re; being on a roll - may i contemplate this again tomorrow, as need to roll into bed right now...? T mwah.

jenny: ah - as it is 42 I have had to do a bit of a rethink as none of my graffiti pics exactly speaks to me....however, glimmer of hope in precise wording ("record words and phrases that speak to you in public places") of challenge, which led me unhesitatingly to the attached ;-)


with this as a second choice.....(a drinks tarrif list in restaurant window one very cold wintry lunchtime)…..


after lunch of course!

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