toni: am here in brussels, editing photos taken in a leuven bar yesterday. used my vintage ricoh gr compact and have twiddled with pix on the BF's ancient lap-top and cutting-edge tv screen... all is streeeeeetched beyond comprehension, so am hopeful they look ok in 'real life'... the stories the pictures tell... i don't know... but they felt like stories to me...
had I followed advice given by mon fils (yes, it seems we are in the UK as you are in Belgium.....ironic, non?) I should have been lurking in toasty-warm bookshops; and on reflection it might have saved my trigger-finger from going completely numb…..
however, cccold frosty early morning walks by the river in Abingdon have their moments, especially when a very cute squirrel pokes his nose through the railings on the bridge…..
to watch (as I like to think) jealously as the ducks on the bank below are being fed.
and then, on the way back from Waitrose (have been having far too much fun there!)…..a man in red walks past a charity shop window…..
after which a late afternoon ray of sunshine beams through one of St Helen’s windows.
toni: cloudy churchy heavens are beautiful... as is hand-knit nativity... am sliding into sunday eve in a haze of red wine and neuhaus chocs... not quite waitrose [but did a festive shop at hema yesterday, which is a low-rent equivalent]...
jenny: found the knitted nativity in the Salvation Army charity shop window - it's open Monday - am SERIOUSLY considering asking if it's for sale.....even though it would surely mean d.i.v.o.r.c.e.
toni: Buy! Buy! Buy!
i don't have iporn book here, so choose number 12 for next week ... hope all is good - belgium v festive and snowy and twinkle-y...
jenny: no i-porn book here either but we will be back 'home' on Tuesday evening (although we leave again on Thursday at the crack of before dawn for the looong drive to.....Girona.....and lunch again at El Celler de Can Roca…..hoping v much that number 12 lends itself to arty farty restaurant pics.....)